A. Programmes Offered : The College imparts:
B. Medium of Instruction:
The medium of instruction is Assamese but a student, if he / she desires, may also receive necessary instruction in English and may answer in English in any examination.
The medium of instruction for major programme would be both English and Assamese.
C. Courses of Study
(Examination is held at the end of each year. To enroll oneself in the 2nd year one must get passed in the 1st year examination)
Subject Details :
H.S. Arts:
a. Compulsory Subjects: (i) English (ii) M.I.L. (Assamese) or Alternative English
b. Elective Subjects (any three/four): (Arts)
(i) Economics (ii) Education (iii) History (iv) Logic and Philosophy (v) Political Science (vi) Sociology (vii) Mathematics (viii) Geography (ix) Statistics (x) Computer Science
H.S. Science;
a. Elective Subjects (Any Three/Four):
i) Physics (ii) Chemistry (iii) Mathematics (iv) Biology (v) Economics (vi) Statistics (vii)Geography (viii) Computer Science
b. Compulsory Subjects:
i) English (ii) MIL (Assamese/Alt. English)
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A) Degree Student: Under Semester System
100% attendance in class is compulsory. Students having less than 80% attendance will not be allowed to appear in the End Semester (Final) Examination.
B) Higher Secondary Student:
75% attendance in class is compulsory for all students, falling short of which will make a student non-collegiate. Students having attendance below 50% will be treated as discollegiate. The non-collegiate students will be fined at the time of filling in the Examination form as per University and Council rules, while the discollegiates will not be allowed to go for the Examination.
Distance Education Programmes:
Jorhat College offers many professional and non-professional courses in Open & Distance Learning (ODL) mode which are affiliated to Dibrugarh University (DU) and Krishna Kanta Handiqui State Open University (KKHSOU).
- Master of Arts (MA)
- M.A. in Assamese
- M.A. in English
- M.A. in Sociology
- M.A. in Political Science
- M.A. in Education
For further details please contact : Mrs. B.Katoky( M.A. Coordinator) Mobile : 9954440075
- D.U. Distance B.A. Courses:
Jorhat college has been running Distance B.A. course of Dibrugarh University for several years. Those who cannot attend regular classes for unavoidable reasons may join Distance B. A. Courses.. Interested students may contact Mrs. Julie Saikia (9954977226) or Mr. Pradip Hazarika (9435909397).
A Study Centre of KKHSOU has been set up at our college. Those students who cannot be regular in attendance for unavoidable reasons may join this Distance B.A. Program. Students may contact Prof. Utpal Dutta, Co-ordinator(9854808656) or Mr. Mohan Dutta, Office Attendant(8876148244) for details.