Accredited by NAAC with B++ Grade



To improve quality to the level of excellence while not sacrificing quantity; i. e., the maximum number of students beneficiaries. In short, IQAC dedicates itself for the noble cause of the development of an enlightened, socially committed academia with an inclusive and liberal approach.


  1. To Act as a nodal agency to oversee and coordinate various quality-related activities, such as the adoption and dissemination of good practices.
  2. To ensure all round holistic development of the students with a qualitative approach
  3. To create an academic environment that promotes the quality of teaching, learning, research and collaborations in higher education institutions.
  4. To Encourage self-evaluation, accountability, autonomy, and innovation in higher education.
  5. The College collaborates with other stakeholders in higher education to evaluate, promote, and sustain quality.
  6. To develop a quality system to evaluate and improve the academic and administrative functioning of the institution.
  7. To facilitates the use of technology and knowledge for participatory teaching and learning processes.

Dr. Soumitra Puzari
IQAC Coordinator
Jorhat College (Amal.)
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