The Jorhat College Students’ Union is a representative body of the students’ community. The Jorhat College Students' Council consists of the following 12 office bearers, namely:
All the office bearers are elected by students who are engaged in full time studies in this college. Among these 12 portfolios 30percent is reserved for girls. The major activities of the Students Union are to organise programmes, activities for the students and provide services which serve the co-curricular, cultural, social, recreational and educational interest of students at the college. The Students Union seeks to contribute to the development of the students by organising all those activities which explore the hidden qualities of students. Moreover, it seeks to provide a comfortable atmosphere to the students by discouraging ragging and any other malpractices within the college campus. The mission of the union is to encourage and promote the values that represent good character in all students and build responsible leaders from among student’s community. Student representation is made compulsory in IQAC, Admission Committee, Election Committee, Grievance Redressal Committee, Anti-Ragging Committee, GSCASH and in which give them opportunity to help the authority in administrative work. The Students’ Union plays key roles in conducting Fresher’s Social, college week, Saraswati Puja. It helps the authority to stop ragging in the campus, suggests the administration to improve the students’ amenities, helps the administration in smooth conduct of student activities in the campus. They organise programmes in the campus to improve the cleanliness and greenery in the college campus and organises any activity to improve the knowledge and skills of the students as well as maintenance of the peace and harmony among the campus community in general and student community in particular. Sometimes they organise programmes like meditation camp for both girls and boys, self defence training programme for girls etc.
The Students Union is also involved in extension activities like celebrating birth centenary of Moghai Oja (the renowned Assamese drummer), distribution of flood relief to flood affected people, collection of donation for sick fellow students of the neighbouring colleges etc.